Sales recruitment

Headhunting av säljare som ni behöver

Erfarenhet som gör skillnad för er säljrekrytering
Få aktörer inom branschen har samma omfattande erfarenhet av försäljning som vi. Med vår gedigna bakgrund och många års arbete inom försäljning, både i små och stora globala organisationer, har vi en djup förståelse för olika affärskulturer, organisationer, strukturer och behov. Vi hjälper er att rekrytera säljare som inte bara uppfyller era specifika krav utan även passar perfekt in i er företagskultur. Oavsett om ni söker en ambitiös talang, en erfaren säljtalang eller en försäljningschef, ser vi till att matchningen blir rätt – snabbt, smidigt och med hög precision.

Tailored recruitment process
We create a recruitment process tailored to your unique needs for salespeople. With our established network of star salespeople, we ensure that you have access to the best talent in the market.

Save time and increase insights
By collaborating with us, you not only save valuable time but also gain deeper insights into candidates' skills and how they can contribute to your sales success. Our expertise in sales is hard to beat

Rekrytering av säljare

Our recruitment process

We support you throughout the entire recruitment process
We are always readily available throughout the entire recruitment process and work in close collaboration with you as the client. Our goal is simple—to ensure that both you and the candidates are completely satisfied with the outcome. Through our client-focused recruitment strategy, we ensure that every step of the process is tailored to your needs and that we deliver the right candidate for the right role

We listen to your needs

Vi lyssnar på era specifika behov från start. Vi inleder varje samarbete genom att noggrant diskutera och analysera era specifika rekryteringsbehov. Detta innebär att vi sätter oss in i tjänsten, era affärsmål, samt er organisation och företagskultur. Med denna djupgående förståelse kan vi skräddarsy en effektiv rekryteringsprocess och hitta rätt kandidat som både matchar rollen och passar in i er företagskultur

Sourcing of candidates

We create a requirement profile as the basis for recruitment.We compile a description that includes a clear requirement profile, which serves as the foundation for both the search and communication with candidates. This is done through agreed-upon channels in close collaboration with you to ensure that the right candidate is found and meets your needs.


During our interview process, we meet with selected top candidates who have the potential to fit into your organization. We focus on creating an open, pleasant, and professional dialogue, allowing candidates to highlight their strengths and experiences. By asking relevant questions and exploring their backgrounds, we ensure that you gain a deeper understanding of their skills and how they can contribute to your success. Our goal is to match you with the right candidates to build a strong and effective team.

Presentation of candidates

After personality tests and completed interviews, we present the best-qualified candidates to you. Our goal is to ensure that each candidate matches both your requirements and company culture so that you gain the talent that drives your business forward.

You meet candidates for interviews

We present the top candidates, and you select the candidates you want to meet. We coordinate the interviews between you and the candidates. We ensure that the entire process is smooth and time-saving, so you can quickly meet the most qualified candidates for your organization

Reference checking

We conduct thorough reference checks so that you can feel confident in your decision. By verifying the candidates' previous performances and experiences, we ensure that you receive the right skills for your organization


We follow up with both you and the candidate after the employment has begun to ensure that you are satisfied and to see if we can offer any additional support. Our goal is to create a long-term solution that benefits your organization and fosters the candidate's success

Rekrytering av säljare

Let us help you elevate your sales to new heights
